Archive for April, 2011

And So It Began

April 12, 2011

150 years ago this morning a note was delivered to Robert Anderson, Major, Commanding at Fort Sumter in the harbor at Charleston.  It read:

Fort Sumter, S.C.
April 12, 1861. 3:20 a.m.
Major Robert Anderson
U.S. Army
Comdg Fort Sumter


By authority of Brig General Beauregard commanding the provisional forces of the Confederate States we have the honor to notify you that he will open the fire of his Batteries on Fort Sumter in one hour from this time.

We have the honor to be

Very Respectfully


James Chesnut Jr., Aide de Camp
Stephen D. Lee, Capt., S.C. Army, Aide de Camp

And so it began, that great American tragedy.